100% Eco Print & Flyer Distribution Service
We print on sustainable paper, with biodegradable inks & Alcohol-free printing
Crewe Sustainability Report Member , ISO 14001 , ISO 50001, Certified FSC ® C101851
The TPP Approach
Welcome to The Private Postman – the premier company for leaflet distribution in London, founded in 2009 by former Royal-Mail postman, and marketing expert Mark Redmond.
Our aim is to develop long-term relationships with all of our clients, sharing our detailed expertise and our extensive knowledge of leaflet distribution and the leaflet marketing business.
We are not here just to spend your money. We are here to make your project work and help maximise your return on investment. That can mean, when required, looking deeply into what you are planning for your campaigns. Pointing out what works and which elements of your strategy still may need to be improved.
This takes skill, time and expert knowledge. This is The Private Postman’s specialist subject and one of the reasons companies carry on using us for years.
We use our own bespoke mapping system that includes only residential addresses and automatically excludes local authority, council properties and undeliverable areas, giving you the most accurate numbers in the industry.
Along with distribution, we can also help you arrange the print and design of your leaflets.
All our clients get a seasoned London Private Postman.
Mark Stevens 37 –SW expert
Status: Married
Royal Mail: 8 years Duty
TPP: 7 years 2 months Duty
TPP leaflets distributed: 6.1 Million
TPP Back checks passed: 3,512
TPP Spot Checks passed: 1,801
TPP Group GPS Files checked: 360 groups
TPP Total Daily checks Passed: 5,673
About Our Leaflet Distribution Service
Our leaflet distribution system rests on three pillars that together guarantee the best results for our customers.
The TPP market targeting & tracking systems
We combine traditional GPS tracking with our exclusive TPP Mercury System offering a level of transparency unrivalled in the industry. You will be informed in real-time when, where and by whom your leaflets are being distributed. We also provide high resolution GPS files as proof of delivery after each campaign is finished.
The level of experience in our team allows us to train the best leaflet distributors in London. This has created an environment where a private postman earns close to double the industry standard.
Supervision & proof of work on site
We believe it is the most advanced back-checking system in the industry and a detailed proof of work on site. Our leaflet distributors have the leadership they need to perform consistently at the high level that is always expected of them.
Planning your campaign
The Private Postman covers all requirements for leaflet distribution in London. We work in 260 of the most famous postcodes in the North, Northwest, West, East, Southeast and Southwest.
At The Private Postman we can help you plan your campaign, no matter the size of your business.
Based on your goals and budget, we can help you decide how many leaflets you should print, which areas of London you should target and how many distribution rounds you should run.
We can arrange and handle the process from the printing and designing of your leaflets all the way to executing your leaflet distribution drops. With our help, leaflet distribution does not need to be complicated.
Door to door bespoke mapping
Our new bespoke ‘All London area maps’ make identifying target areas and leaflet numbers required for your distribution campaign faster and more accurate than ever.
We can run door to door drops starting at just 5,000 leaflets or scale up to large campaigns targeting millions of households all over London.
TPP Expert Leaflet Design Feedback
We can provide you with feedback on your existing flyer designs or help you create a new leaflet from scratch.
Book a one-on-one call with Mark for our expert advice. Mark’s experience can help you save time and drill down to the perfect flyer design for you.
B2B leaflets and Council Property Distribution Campaigns
We can also help you plan and execute leaflet campaigns targeting businesses or council/local authority properties.
B2B leaflet distribution operates slightly differently to traditional door to door campaigns. You should expect to have a smaller number of leaflets distributed and for your campaign to take longer than when you target households.
Council leaflet distribution campaigns can be focused on specific postcodes or even individual estates.
Both of these services run separately to our door to door distribution campaigns. For more information, please get in touch.
Sustainable and Ethical Print & Storage
At TPP, we pride ourselves on ethical practices and have secured the most sustainable printing and paper sourcing in Europe.
We print at no extra cost, with Eco Bio Inks® and Certified FSC ® paper C101851. Making us and you sustainable and ethical.
We can help you print and store your leaflets in our London facilities. As we keep relationships with some of Europe’s and UK’s largest printing houses, we can help secure competitive prices for the printing of your flyers.
Our London warehouse facilities allow us to store your leaflets while they are waiting for distribution.
Leaflet Distribution Pricing
Shared Distribution
Starting £52 /1000 – Your leaflets are distributed together with 1-2 other non-competing, high quality clients.
Semi Solo Distribution
£65 /1000 – Half of your leaflets will be delivered on a shared basis and the other half along with no other clients.
Solo Distribution
£85 /1000 – Your leaflets are delivered along with no other clients.