Leaflet Distribution W1
The W1 postcode covers the areas of West End, Mayfair, Marylebone and Marble Arch. It is right in the heart of London and as such it has some of the most desirable residences that can be found in the capital.
Most of the households here are young professionals living alone or in flat shares. Given the location the average income is considerably higher than the London average.
Due to the high population density and a very high amount of commercial real-estate a lot of the households here can be hard to access.
We make sure to focus on the areas that contain some of the easier to deliver terraced housing London is so famous for.
A good example of this is Russell Square with many houses and flats with easy to access letterboxes. On the other hand we completely avoid other areas that are almost exclusively made up of businesses like Oxford Street.
When it comes to delivering to larger apartment buildings our policy is to always attempt delivery.
In most of these places we are however at the mercy of the concierge. Our distributors are well trained to negotiate access wherever possible and to communicate with security and the concierge.
If we are not allowed to enter the building we generally leave three leaflets at the front desk by the entrance to the building.
We still stick to our rules of delivering one leaflets to buildings with one doorbell, two leaflets to homes with two doorbells and three leaflets to buildings with three or more doorbells.
We never deliver or leave any more than three leaflets. This is also the case in large apartment buildings with dozens of flats.
We do this to avoid the impression of dumping leaflets and turning your marketing materials into a nuisance.
On the other hand many of these large apartment buildings in Central London do have the letterboxes for each flat accessible from the street right next to the entrance.
In this case we will deliver one leaflet to each letterbox. Sometimes the letterboxes can also be positioned in a non-intuitive parts of the property like the garage or a parking area. Our distributors have a wealth of experience with finding these and as such can get a very good delivery numbers even in some of these more confusing areas.
The most important thing for us in an area like W1 is the fact that we make sure to never deliver more than one leaflet per household and never more than three leaflets per building.
We also never bend your leaflet and never deliver in the rain to make sure that your flyers are delivered in the best shape possible.
We do all of this because the local residents in places like W1 can be more sensitive to perceived nuisance created by large numbers of leaflets being delivered or damaged leaflets making their way through their letterboxes.
We make sure this never becomes an issue and through a very clear set of rules, thorough training and communication with our workers. Each worker that is given a Private Postman delivery in W1 is familiar with the postcode and has experience with deliveries there.
Another service that our clients in W1 will benefit from is our free design consultation service. There are specific aspect of leaflet design that one needs to keep in mind when making a leaflet for an area like W1.
The clientele varies in different parts of West London depending on income levels, sizes of homes or demographic makeup. W1 is a very specific case and the design of your leaflets will require a little extra attention.
We are happy to deliver your leaflets if they have already been printed but if you have not yet gone through the printing process we can help you completely optimize your design free of charge.
If needed we can also help you design your leaflet from scratch with our in-house designer for a competitive fee.
We have already mentioned that delivering leaflets in W1 can be a challenge due to the difficult terrain each distributor will have to contend with. In an area like this preparation cannot be underestimated and we make sure to support our distributors and clients with a well designed mapping system.
We have broken down W1 into smaller and more managable groups of approximately five thousand households each. These maps have specific markings on them to help our distributors in their daily deliveries.
We highlight if there is an address that has complained about leaflets in the past or if there is a specific building or neighbourhood where one needs to be careful to not accidentally skip any doors.
Please visit our Home page or Contact Us for more details.