Leaflet Distribution TW11
The TW11 postcode covers the area of Teddington. It neighbours on Strawberry Hill in the North, Hampton Hill in the West, Hampton Court in the South and Richmond in the East. Approximately 80% of the local residents describe themselves as associate professionals, professionals, managers or directors. As a result the average income in TW11 is considerably highger than in the rest of London.
TW11 is an area with an unusual density of families and couples with children. Roughly 50% of the local residents are in the 30-59 age group and around a half of the households are occupied by couples with children.
Teddington is a place where many city workers on larger incomes tend to move to when starting families. This is due both to the proximity to some amazing green spaces like Bushy Park or Richmond Park and the great quality of the local schools. In a way it is seen as a commuter town. It however is a self sufficient unit with high streets, local cinemas, shops, cafes and restaurants.
It is relatively well connected with a trains running into Central London and some desirable places outside of London as well. The national Physical Laboratory is probably the most notable landmark in this postcode.
The residential properties here are either large town-houses or terraced Victorian and Georgian homes. The distinct lack of apartment buildings or other difficult to access buildings allow for a fantastic rate of penetration of the market for local restaurants, gyms, yoga studios or schools.
We mainly run a solo distribution in TW11 with the occasional window of shared distribution. Solo distribution otherwise known as ‘Solus’ distribution means that we deliver only your leaflets to all properties. When we have the ability to run a shared distribution campaign we generally do recommend it.
Our shared distribution is based on delivering leaflets of two to three high quality non-competing clients at the same time. We have settled on this numbers since it allows for us to pass on some savings for the distribution costs to our clients without having an effect on response rates.
We run a shared distribution as standard in all London postal areas. There are however specific pats of London and neighbouring postcodes where we run solo distribution only.
The numbers of leaflets we deliver to individual households is as follows. We aim to deliver one leaflet to every reachable household. Due to the nature of London there are many properties that used to be single households but are now split to two to three flats with a single entrance and letterbox. We identify the number of households in a given property by the numbers of doorbells.
We then deliver one leaflet to each building with a single doorbell. Two leaflets to buildings with two doorbells and three leaflets to properties with three or more doorbells. We never deliver more than three leaflets to any letterbox. If we come across a large apartment building with many flats we either speak to the concierge and if we cannot negotiate access we leave three leaflets at the reception for the residents of the building to pick up if they are interested. We never leave more than three leaflets in a situation like this.
For more info please see our home page.