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How to promote your new business locally?

Starting a new business in London can be a daunting task. Especially if we are talking about a small business looking to mainly service it’s local area.

Many of the businesses of this type tend to be tightly connected to the local area with regular customers. Acquiring these can be difficult.

It requires a balance of being respectful and trustworthy when advertising your services but making sure that every potential customer that lives locally knows about the existence of your business.

Let’s have a look at how to promote your new business locally with leaflet distribution.
How to promote your new business locally

Define your local area

Based on the type of business you run you should have an understanding of how large the area you can service will be.

A restaurant that delivers food will have a different reach to a local cafe that doesn’t deliver. The same would apply for a local butcher or a bike shop. Getting this step right is very important.

We at The Private Postman have a wealth of experience testing what size of an area is appropriate to target with leaflet distribution for different types of business.

We can help you make the decision and offer guidance in this regard. To help find out how to promote your new business locally we need to make sure that we know what locally means for you.

Deliver your brand clearly

It is very important that you devote as much attention to the branding on your leaflet as to the description of your services.

If your leaflet delivers the fact that you are a newly open Italian restaurant that makes delicious pasta clearly but it doesn’t show your unique colour palette and logo it will not be as effective as it could be.

We need to make sure that we keep your branding clear and recognisable when we deliver multiple different designs over the period of months to build the local mind-share you want. New businesses in London absolutely need this.

Brand building and mind share

Leaflet distribution can be very effective in driving sales and acquiring leads. However the more locally focused you are the more important it is to think long term.

Developing notoriety and mind-share in your local area is crucial to the long term survival of your business. Try to not think of your leaflets as an immediate tool to get people through your door.

Developing a long term leaflet distribution campaign where your flyers get delivered to your local area 3-4 times a year reminding everyone of the existence of your new business will be much more effective long term.

Combine your marketing efforts

If you are positioning your local business on one of the new trade apps (Food delivery, etc…) don’t forget that you can use leaflet distribution to drive traffic to your profile.

It is difficult to stick out on an app with dozens of your local competitors. A good way to avoid this issue is to use the branding of your trade app of choice as well as your own on your leaflets and get your clients to use your service that way.

If you have any more questions about how How to promote your new business locally using leaflet distribution get in touch with us here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. Our minimum number for shared door to door distribution campaigns is 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.

    We can also run a Solo leaflet distribution of 1,000 leaflets from £165 +Vat