In the previous instalment of this two-part series we have spoken about alternatives to door to door leaflet distribution and why we tend to not recommend that our clients use them.
Now that we have done that let’s finally discuss door to door leaflet distribution and how it works.
Door to door leaflet distribution basically means that your leaflets are delivered through people’s letterboxes into their households. This is in contrast to hand to hand leaflet distribution which is based on handing leaflets to people outside.
The benefits of door to door leaflet distribution in London should be more or less obvious.
As a long-established company in the business we have developed a very detailed and flexible mapping system that allows our clients to select exact areas of London where their leaflets will be delivered.
These can be broken down by geographical location, proximity to an address of our client’s business or on demographics. One has to have a system that is reliable but regularly updated especially in a dynamic city like London.
We take feedback from dozens of distributors that are handling our deliveries every week and based on this we update our figures and other details in our system. This way you can be sure that your leaflets are delivered to the right households and not a single leaflet is wasted.
No demographic skew
As we are delivering to people’s homes if your goal is the covering of a given geographical area we can ensure that everyone no matter their age or occupation will get your leaflets.
This is very useful for companies who want to target all kinds of households from the ones with older residents to young students or professionals.
Most other marketing techniques tend to skew in age. Ie. Not many young people read physical trade magazines and not many older people are on TikTok.
Leaflets get delivered through every door to every household in a given area. There is real power in this.
Mind share in your local area
When we look at door to door leaflet distribution and how it works it becomes obvious that it provides a huge opportunity in developing mind share in your local London area.
As we can deliver your leaflets multiple times a year in crucial periods to every single households in your local area without fail we can help you remind everyone that lives near your business of your existence.
If done correctly what this leads to is a situation where you are the first business that people think of when they think of the kind of service you provide. If you are an Italian restaurant you should be the first thing people in your local area think of when they think about pizza or pasta.
The benefits of this are obvious.
We hope that this article about door to door leaflet distribution and how it works has been helpful. If you have any questions or if you’d like to book a leaflet distribution campaign in London please feel free to get in touch with us here.