Restaurants in London have been using leaflet distribution for decades. It has been a reliable source of new business for many local eateries through different eras and in different environments.
The world of restaurant promotion has changed drastically over the last eight years though. Let’s have a look at how you can create an edge for your London restaurant with leaflets.
Delivery apps
The restaurant business in London has been turned upside down with the introduction of delivery apps. Whether we are talking about Just Eat, Uber Eats or other apps it is undeniable that they have a huge effect on the food business in London.
These apps can bring real value to a business that doesn’t have the ability to employ delivery drivers or build a simple ordering portal but they also bring some fundamental difficulties to most restaurants.
Standing out on the the delivery apps is a challenge. Even on the more sophisticated examples you are still most likely listed along all of your local competition with only a small image of your logo separating you.
It is easy for a restaurant to loose it’s identity in an environment like this. You can barely get your branding across in the 1x1cm image on the app.
And when you try to get your restaurant placed higher on the app list to get more traffic to your profile you will find out that you might have to pay for the privilege.
What about the leaflets?
Leaflet distribution can help you side step this whole process.
You can avoid most of the disadvantages these apps bring and still take advantage of the good ordering portals and easy delivery.
We can help you develop the right leaflet that can be used to drive traffic to your app profile and get your more orders.
We will largely focus on high quality images of your food and delivering a strong brand identity through consistent use of colours and fonts.
This has to be consistent over all your leaflet distribution efforts.
You can create an edge for your London restaurant with leaflets by running leaflet distribution in your delivery area with high quality designs. The Private Postman will employ our expertise in designing the leaflets as well as the intensity of your campaign.
All of this has to be done sensitively and professionally but when done right it can be real game changer.
Getting an edge over your local competition in London can be a real challenge.
But if you use leaflet distribution in this environment correctly you might be surprised by the results.
We understand that the ultimate goal is to get more orders leaving your kitchen and we can help you get there.
On top of this repeated deliveries ultimately help you develop local mind share.
What this means is that if you run a local Italian restaurant through enough carefully curated exposure we can get to a point when anyone living locally to your business has your logo and branding be the first thing that pops into their mind when they think about Italian food.
We hope that this short article on how to create an edge for your London restaurant with leaflets has been informative. If you have any questions or if you’d like to book a campaign with us get in touch here.