If you run a local company in London you can never have enough direct marketing ideas and strategies to grow your business.
London is very competitive and staying aggressive and proactive with your promotion while being respectful to locals and their areas is a challenge.
Like every aspect of marketing – direct marketing has gone local, targeted and quite a bit more sophisticated over the last 10 years. Leaflet distribution will be the ultimate direct marketing technique we will discuss today.
It is probably the best tool to grow your business locally in London and it also allows you to side-step a lot of the competition that has accumulated on social media and trade specific apps.
Repeated leaflet distribution drops
One of the biggest innovations that has made it’s way to leaflet distribution over the last few years are repeated or segmented leaflet drops.
We will select an area that is both local and perfectly maps onto your demographic targets.
We then plan a multi-drop campaign where we deliver your leaflets to the same area multiple times over a pre-determined period.
There will be carefully planned breaks between each delivery (these will last weeks) to make sure we don’t over-saturate the market.
When employing this technique we can also make sure to use a different design for each drop while keeping your over-arching message and branding consistent.
Each leaflet can lead into each other and over the period of a few months build up to an invitation to an event on your premises or something similar.
This way you have your ideal customer demographic in your local area informed and reminded of your existence repeatedly without being intrusive.
The reason repeated leaflet distribution drops were not one of the direct marketing ideas and strategies to grow your business that has been recommended historically is mostly due to the demands it poses on the logistical departments of leaflet distribution companies.
As the market has matured so have distribution companies and we now have full teams and bulletproof systems all dedicated to keeping deliveries on track, on time and perfectly leading one into the other.
The effectiveness of deliveries has grown and so has the reliability.
We at The Private Postman have introduced this way of delivering leaflets to the London market.
On top of this we also have a graphic design team on hand to help us develop and ultimately create the perfect designs for each step in your multi-drop campaign.
We also have very close relationships with some of the largest printing houses in Europe and can arrange all the logistics of printing, moving and storing you leaflets as well.
The same way The Private Postman spearheaded the use of GPS systems in Leaflet Distribution in London years ago we are again on the cutting edge of repeated drops.
We hope that this article about the ultimate leaflet distribution strategy has helped convince you that it is one of the most useful current direct marketing ideas and strategies to grow your business locally in London.
If you would like to to book your own leaflet drop feel free to get in touch with us here..