Most furniture shops in London have been using leaflet distribution to market their services for decades.
It has proven itself to be an efficient method of attracting customers both for the more mass produced furniture shops and to the custom made end of the market.
Let’s have a look at how we can tweak our previous strategies going forward and how we should approach furniture shop marketing in London post lockdown.
Most furniture shops will have some sort of delivery or install at home service they offer.
This is obviously especially true for custom made or customised furniture. This brings a real challenge to the world where people are going to be much more careful about contact with the outside world post lockdown.
Any business that handles physical items that are then sold to the public or that has technicians visiting people’s homes will have to make sure to clearly communicate the precautions they are taking to keep everyone safe.
It is important that we all adhere to strict rules around preventing the spread of the virus but is is also helpful to inform all your clients that you are doing so.
Leaflet distribution will remain an effective way for a furniture shop marketing in London post lockdown but it will become even more valuable when it comes to informing your local area or target demographic that your services are safe to use.
Using modern leaflet distribution logistics that allow us to deliver your leaflets to the same households multiple times with strict rest periods in between can help to create mind share of top of this.
By cleverly using leaflet distribution in London post lockdown you can inform everyone in your area or target demographic that you are open for business, that you are aware of the health situation and taking every precaution possible and become THE furniture provider in people’s mind going forward.
Doing this with other marketing tools like social media could be very difficult. Leaflet Distribution is very effective in delivering certain kind of message and in the post lockdown world it happens to be one of the best ways of developing trust and mind share with your customers and in your market.
This is especially true since London is a very competitive place and many business did not survive the prolonged lockdown period.
London rents can be very taxing on a business and a drop in sales that lasts this long is not something anyone expected.
If you are one of the business that has survived it is imperative to inform all your potential clients of this.
Every difficult situation creates and opportunity and with a good marketing strategy of which leaflet distribution should be a part there is ground to be taken in the market.
We hope that this article about furniture shop marketing in London post lockdown has been helpful. If you have any questions of if you’d like to book a leaflet distribution campaign get in touch with us here.