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How to be successful using flyer marketing

Any marketing technique you choose to use to advertise your business in London can be executed well or poorly.

Even though leaflet distribution is one of the best tools to talk to all the potential clients in your local area – when approached incorrectly it can yield disappointing results.

To make sure this doesn’t happen to you here are some tips on how to be successful using flyer marketing.

How to be successful using flyer marketing

Define your local area well

What does it mean to target your local area?

This term is fundamental in flyer marketing as it will inform the amount of leaflets you will need to print, the type of design you should use and how many repeated drops you can make.

The amount of ground that can be considered as your local area will be different based on the type of business you are running.

A restaurant that delivers food will have a different reach to a real estate agent or a successful flower shop.

The types of demographics you will be focusing on will also have an effect on what your local area is.It is not purely a demographic term.

Before you decide on the final form your leaflet distribution campaign should take, please make sure to consult an expert on London demographics to help you define where your leaflet should be delivered for the best results.

A good leaflet distribution company should be able to help you with this.

When you are trying to find out how to be successful using flyer marketing you need to know where you can use flyers and get the best results in your specific use-case.

Tailor your flyer design to your demographics

The design of your flyers should reflect the type of households you are focusing on with your leaflet distribution campaign.

Different demographic groups tend to respond to different colour schemes, fonts and other design cues.

Make sure to take this into consideration when developing your flyer design.

Deliver multiple times

Now that you know exactly where your leaflets should be delivered, the numbers you are printing and the designs you are using consider planning multiple deliveries.

Most marketing techniques use repeated exposure to increase their chance of being successful. When you see an advert on TV you will notice that it repeats itself multiple times throughout each day.

The same applies for facebook ads, google ads, billboards and almost every other marketing technique. Leaflet distribution is no different.

The Private Postman distribution has repeated drops integrated into our system and we recommend it where it is beneficial.

We can help you deliver your leaflets to the same areas multiple times with multi-week break in-between drops. Our logistical team is tightly integrated into this system and as such we can deliver different designs for each drop with no issues.

This is a logistically demanding approach to flyer marketing but it turns leaflet distribution into an extremely powerful tool to grow your local London business.

We hope that this blog article has been useful and that we have showed you some basic ideas on how to be successful using flyer marketing.

To find out more or book a leaflet distribution drop with us please get in touch here….

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. Our minimum number for shared door to door distribution campaigns is 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.

    We can also run a Solo leaflet distribution of 1,000 leaflets from £165 +Vat