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London Leaflet Distribution FAQ

Leaflet distribution is a simple concept in theory. Print some flyers and put them through people’s letterboxes. There are however many ways of doing this in the real world and it is a good idea to ask questions if you are looking to use the service of a leaflet distribution company. Let’s have a look at some of the most commonly asked questions.
Common leaflet distribution related questions

What is the cost of leaflet distribution?

The exact cost of delivering a leaflet will depend on the size and format of your leaflet. The location and type of delivery will also have an effect on the final price. The average cost will generally be at £40 per 1000 leaflets delivered with a minimum order of 5000 leaflets. This is for an A5 flyer in London.

Common leaflet distribution related questions

What is the difference between shared and solo delivery?

Solo delivery simply means that your leaflet is the only flyer that is being delivered through each door. Most leaflet distribution companies however operate a shared delivery which means that they are delivering 2-3 leaflets at the same time through each door. This is a more economical way of distribution and has no negative impact on response rates.

Common leaflet distribution related questions

Can I deliver leaflets myself?

Theoretically – yes. You can deliver your own leaflets by yourself. It can however be a very arduous task without the know-how that comes with years of experience in the business. We have constantly updated mapping systems, well trained staff and a great logistics team allowing us to deliver faster, cheaper and more reliably than any one-man-band.

Common leaflet distribution related questions

How many leaflets should I print and distribute?

This will depend on your goals. It is generally accepted that a minimum effective dose when it come to any leaflet distribution drop is 5000 flyers. If we look at a local restaurant as an example delivering to an area of 20,000 households six times a year might be an ideal frequency. In that case a 120,000 leaflets a year would be a good start.

Common leaflet distribution related questions

How to maximise response rates from leaflet distribution?

Many companies advertise guaranteed response rates from leaflet distribution. There is no real way to calculate this and any claims of absolute numbers should be approached with caution. To make sure that your response rates are as good as possible we recommend using an experienced graphics designer, selecting your area very carefully, delivering to the same area multiple times and using the most reliable distribution service you can find.

Common leaflet distribution related questions

How long does it take to distribute 1000 leaflets?

Our distributors deliver approximately 800 leaflets per day each. This threshold has been set by us to make sure that we help our workers manage fatigue as delivering more can be a very physically demanding task. To make sure that we can deliver the millions of leaflets every year that we do we have many distributors delivering at the same time. That means that if you have a larger job that needs to be done quickly we can deliver even 100,000 leaflets in a week.

Common leaflet distribution related questions
We hope that we’ve answered some of your questions in this blog. If there is anything that is still unclear or if you’d like to book a leaflet distribution campaign with us get in touch here..

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. Our minimum number for shared door to door distribution campaigns is 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.

    We can also run a Solo leaflet distribution of 1,000 leaflets from £165 +Vat