When people discuss leaflet distribution they tend to mostly focus on the leaflet design, where the leaflets are distributed, how many they should print and what are the response rates going to be like.
One thing that tends to be overlooked is the quality of the actual people making each delivery.
And even though The Private Postman as a London company has excelled in tracking systems, mapping of London as well as other technologies and techniques since the founding of the firm the backbone o the company are and always have been our workers.
Let’s talk about what is special about our Private Postmen and Women.
Who are they?
Many leaflet distribution companies in London tend to have a fairly serious turnaround in their workforce.
People come and go, distributors might work for a few weeks or months and then move on. Agency workers are sometimes used.
We’ve never wanted to structure our leaflet distribution force this way. Our founder and MD Mark Redmond is an ex-Royal Mail postman and he knows that the quality of each individual distributor is the most fundamental element in getting the best quality of delivery.
You can have all the tracking and delivery-checking systems in place if your distributors are not reliable you will be playing whack-a-mole every day.
Our distributors tend to be more mature people with families, mothers with young children who want a part time occupation, younger people who love sport and physical work and others.
By design these people stay with us for years and are rewarded for doing so. So what is special about our Private Postmen and Women? They care about their job.
Every single distributor that works with us goes through our training system.
This system has been developed and is run by our MD Mark Redmond. It is based on his years of experience with the Royal Mail, other London private delivery companies and on a decade plus history of The Private Postman.
The lessons and delivery techniques are numerous and range from making sure that our distributors don’t get their fingers bitten off by a stealthy dog on the other side of the door (seriously) or that they know how to navigate the streets so that they don’t ‘walk back on themselves’ unnecessarily to hydrating properly on a hot day.
On top of this we make sure to give our distributors work in their local area so that we can combine our knowledge with theirs.
When you combine the amount of decisions being made on the ground while delivering in London every day you come up with numbers that can’t be policed through any system.
Leaflet distribution is completely reliable on the people doing the job. Our distributors are the most important part of the distribution chain and they will make sure that your leaflets are delivered in the best possible shape to every household every time.
We hope that you now have an idea about what is special about our Private Postmen and Women. If you have any questions or if you’d like to book a leaflet distribution campaign please feel free to get in touch with us here.
You can also listen to some audio about leaflet distribution in London here.