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Who is the best in London leaflet delivery?

Leaflet distribution has been used as one of the foremost techniques in local promotion in London for decades. It is still going strong and in many ways it is more effective than ever. But who is the best in London leaflet delivery?

When you are deciding which company you are going to use for your London leaflet delivery campaign you need to run through some basics that a good distributor needs to have.

Proprietary mapping system

The first thing that a good leaflet distribution company needs is their own mapping system. Some companies simply base their systems on listing postcodes with household numbers and a very imprecise notion of ‘affluence’. Marketing in the modern world is much more complicated than this.

Who is the best in London leaflet delivery?

A company that will help you conduct your leaflet delivery needs to be able to let you know where you can find your target demographic groups in London.

This also needs to go beyond income and property prices. Where can you find young families with children?

Where can you find homes with sash windows, gardens, multi-occupancy households and more.

When you are determining who is the best in London leaflet delivery you need to first look at their knowledge of London.

Relationships with printing houses and designers

A good leaflet delivery company will have close relationships with large printing houses and graphic designers. Since a leaflet distribution firm will be printing large numbers with their printers they can get you better prices than what you could negotiate yourself as a one-time client.

On top of this having in house designers can be incredibly important since there will be times when your leaflets will need adjustments or redevelopment.

Ability to run multi-drop campaigns

They way leaflet distribution operates nowadays is different to how flyer delivery used to work. One of the biggest improvements in this space is the ability to run multi-drop campaigns.

If you are looking to gain mind-share in your local London area or lead up to an event you can segment your campaign and deliver leaflet to the same households multiple times.

One should keep a good buffer of time in-between drops and vary the leaflet designs but when used correctly multi-drop campaigns are one of the best ways to build brand in London.

The reason why these types of campaigns have historically not been the norm is due to the stress they put on the internal operations of the company. If a distributor offers you a repeated drop campaign you can be assured that their internal systems are in good order.

Good tracking

When your leaflets are being delivered you need to be able to check that the deliveries are being made correctly and in timely manner. A combination of GPS tracking systems and some sort of a Live tracking system is best.

We at The Private Postman have introduced GPS to the industry over a decade ago and our live tracking is state of the art as well.

We believe that if you are looking to find out who is the best in London leaflet delivery – The Private Leaflet Distribution is the answer.

We have introduced many of the techniques and systems mentioned above into the industry and we continue serving our customers by delivering millions of leaflets every month.

If you have any questions or if you’d like to book a campaign please get in touch with us here

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. Our minimum number for shared door to door distribution campaigns is 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.

    We can also run a Solo leaflet distribution of 1,000 leaflets from £165 +Vat