Flyers can be delivered in a variety of ways. They can be handed out to people passing by on a busy street, delivered directly to people’s homes, or left on a front wind shield of a car. Only one of these however is effective and recommended by us. Leaving leaflets on cars is something we not only don’t recommend but actively discourage. This distribution technique doesn’t work and should never be something you do. The results are not more business but only irritated locals and a street full of your marketing materials that turn into paper mush in the London rain.
Delivering directly to people’s homes is what we specialise in. We help our clients design the best and most effective leaflets, find the most appropriate area to advertise their services or products to and build a reliable distribution strategy with repeated drops. This is how marketing with flyers should be done in the 21st century.
That leaves hand to hand distribution as the last distribution strategy to discuss. It is often a technique that we are asked about and most of the companies in our industry still offer it as a standard service. Our main issue with hand to hand distribution and why we no longer recommend it compared to door to door is how cost inefficient it is. Delivering a 1000 leaflets to pre-selected homes should cost about £40+VAT in London. However handing out a 1000 leaflets to busy Londoners rushing to or from work is considerably more expensive. The best price you will be able to get for a 4 hour shift of handing our leaflets from any London based company will be £100+VAT. In this time you can’t realistically expect more than 400-500 leaflets to be handed out. As such hand to hand flyer distribution is up to five times more expensive than well executed door to door campaign.
If you want to know more get in touch and talk to one of our experts.