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How to become a well-known business in your local area

On a daily basis we at The Private Postman deal with clients that come to us with one specific problem that could be fatal to any local business. Not many people in the area where the business is based know of it’s existence.
For a small local business it is imperative to have a real grasp on at least a 1 mile radius around it’s location and have as many people within this area know about the services the business provides as possible.

There are multiple ways to achieve local ‘notoriety’. But even through paying for a prime location, developing fantastic branding and word of mouth recommendations it can be difficult to establish oneself in the minds of all local residents.

The Private Postman

Online comparison websites and various trade-specific mobile apps are not the ideal tools either since their reach is limited only to users of the given platforms and quite often to a specific demographic.

The most effective way of truly reaching every single household and resident is through a well executed and planned leafleting campaign.

Rather than limiting yourself to reaching only the users of a specific online platform, using leaflets will allow you to deliver a beautiful well designed piece of advertising to quite literally every household in your local area.

The Private Postman

There are various strategies that can be employed with respect to local leaflet advertising the choice of which will depend on the nature of your business. An estate agent will need to employ a different approach to a local restaurant or a pet shop.

Probably the most important part of any long term leafleting effort that is designed to develop as much exposure for a local business as possible is repetition. Delivering to the same homes two to four times a year is key to staying in the minds of residents in your area.

Depending on the nature of the business different approaches might be appropriate. One kind of business can benefit from a two-mile radius coverage twice a year and another kind of business might benefit from a one-mile radius coverage four times a year.

On our team we have specialists with expert knowledge of all London areas to help develop a strategy perfectly tailored to each individual customer. Please feel free to enquire to see what approach might be right for you.

The Private Postman

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. Our minimum number for shared door to door distribution campaigns is 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.

    We can also run a Solo leaflet distribution of 1,000 leaflets from £165 +Vat