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How do you distribute leaflets effectively

Leaflet distribution is a form of marketing that is widely used through London by companies of all sizes. It has been a staple of advertising in London for decades and it will remain so for decades to come.

Distributing leaflets is one thing but how do you distribute leaflets effectively?

How do you distribute leaflets effectively


How do you distribute leaflets effectively

There are many ways of delivering leaflets that are used in London but we at The Private Postman recommend only one of these.

Hand to hand distribution is based on handing leaflets out to passers-by in a busy area at a strategic time of day. It is used widely through London but is not very effective. It requires groups of at least five distributors per area and the frequency of ‘deliveries’ is not very high.

On top of this targeting specific demographics is pretty much impossible and the price per delivery is considerably higher than the main alternative.

Leaving leaflets on cars is another distribution technique that has been in use in London for a long time. We believe that this is the complete opposite effective leaflet distribution. London is rainy and windy.

Leaving leaflets on people’s cars does only one thing in this kind of climate. It creates complaints. Do not leave your leaflets on cars in London no matter what you are advertising. It doesn’t work.

How do you distribute leaflets effectively

So what works?

When people ask us. How do you distribute leaflets effectively? We at The Private Postman have one answer. Door to door shared distribution. Let’s unpack this term.

Door to door distribution means that your leaflets are being delivered through the doors and letterboxes of privately owned residences in a specifically selected area of London.

As this selection is done with the help of our detailed mapping system we can help you target not only geographic areas but also demographic groups that will correspond to your clientele.

The shared element of this term relates to the fact that your leaflets should be delivered with one of two other non-competing high quality clients. In practice this means that your leaflets are being delivered as a bundle of three leaflets.

This has no impact on response rates but helps keep the price of each delivery down. This in turn allows you to either cover a larger area or run more deliveries in one carefully selected part of London.

How do you distribute leaflets effectively

Multiple deliveries?

How do you distribute leaflets effectively

Delivering to the same households multiple times is the final element of answering the question – how do you distribute leaflets effectively. Most advertising relies on repeated exposure.

Whether we are talking about TV advertising, Facebook or print magazine ads. An important part of the equation is the fact that your potential clients will see your ad multiple times.

Delivering your leaflets to the same households repeatedly with carefully designed breaks between each delivery is a very effective way to develop mind-share in a given area and improve your response rates.

We hope that this article about leaflet distribution in London and how it can be done effectively has been helpful. If you have any questions or if you’d like to book a leaflet distribution campaign please feel free to get in touch with us here.

You can also listen to some audio about leaflet distribution in London here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes we do. It’s 5,000 leaflets per postcode. If you have less than 5,000, you will be charged for 5,000 anyway – it’s the minimum job rate. We can print 5,000 leaflets from around £90.